Spider Control

Spider Pest Control

Spiders in Southern California

Griffin Pest Management has state licensed spider exterminators who are trained in spider control and management. Our services are guaranteed to rid your home or business of all spiders and cobwebs. Most common household spiders are harmless and generally help with maintaining other pest populations. However, seeing spiders can be unsettling which is why our integrated pest management approach will find spiders and their webs so they can be exterminated and cleaned. Call today to schedule a treatment.

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Spider Exterminators

Most spiders in California are generally harmless and pose little to no threat to humans. On the contrary, spiders provide the benefit of controlling other pest populations. Spiders are not normally aggressive and will only bite humans in rare instances where they feel threatened. That being said, there is something about spiders and their webs that are deeply connected to emotions like fear and anxiety. At Griffin Pest Management we have decades of combined experience treating for spiders. We use an integrated pest management approach that is designed to identify the source of the spider problem and pinpoint an effective solution that eliminates the spider problem permanently. Our preventative treatment options will prevent them from coming back after treatment is successful and on-going maintenance will alert us to the presence of any future spider activity. 

Immediate Spider Removal

(888) 400-9011
Why Choose Griffin? 

Griffin approaches every job with an integrated pest management approach designed to kill and prevent spider in your home effectively and efficiently. In addition to custom IPM strategies, our technicians educate home and business owners on how to prevent bugs to minimize the need for more expensive pest treatments. Being a local business means that we treat each of our customers like one of our neighbors. 

Spider Treatment

Our years of experience has shown us the most effective and efficient ways to treat and prevent spiders. Our pest control technicians will implement these strategies to eliminate spiders from your home or business. Every time we apply treatment to your property, we will inspect common hiding areas for spider activity to ensure we don’t miss anything. If you have seen spiders or have signs of spider activity, call EcoGuard today!


A Griffin spider exterminator will run through a property checking for webs and inspecting any other areas that spiders may be hiding in. Based on the results of the inspection, the technician will also discuss preventative measures that can help minimize future spiders.

Pesticide Application

Our licensed spider exterminators will apply chemical pesticides in 2 different ways:

-       Exterior perimeter spraying will lay down a protective pesticide layer that will stop spiders from entering your home.

-       Local spot treatment will apply residual pesticides to areas that have shown spider activity to ensure the spiders inside are killed.

Web Removal

All signs of cobwebs will be destroyed and cleaned up. We will pay close attention to areas that are generally left undisturbed and areas too high to reach normally. 

Spider Behavior 

Spiders are arachnids with 8 legs that spin silk. Many species of spiders use that silk to spin webs, but some species are also known to hunt for their prey. Spider webs are the most common sign of spider activity, and they can be unsightly when in open common spaces. Spider silk is sticky and strong and will often indicate somewhere a spider has taken residence. Spiders reproduce at a rapid rate so if a web goes undisturbed for long enough, it is safe to assume that it is only a matter of time before little spiderlings hatch. 

How Did I Get Spiders? 

Most spider prefer areas that are left undisturbed like storage areas, garages, sheds, barns, etc. Spiders also tend to prefer to stay outside where there is abundance of food. That said, spiders will sometimes enter a home if food, water, mates, or shelter are scarce. This is why seeing spiders is also indicative of the presence of other pest types. They will enter your home via open cracks under doors & windows, loose screens, cracks in walls & foundation, etc. There is also the possibility that they were brought in on accident via firewood, stored items, clothing, plants, etc. 

Common Spider Species 

Wolf Spiders

Wolf spiders are often mistaken for Brown Recluses, but these spiders are completely harmless. They hunt their prey instead of trapping it in webs and are generally very shy around humans.

Cellar Spiders (Daddy Long Legs)

These are some of the most common residential spiders. They are completely harmless to humans and prefer hiding areas that are cool, dark, and damp.

Garden Spiders

Garden spiders are the spiders that will weave large elaborate webs across walkways and hang out in the center of the web. They are harmless to humans but can quickly grow into a problem if their populations are not controlled. 

Dangerous Spider Species 

Brown Recluse

Staying true to their name, brown recluses stay “reclusive” whenever possible. That said, if they are disturbed, they can inflict injury as their venom has the potential to cause some serious damage. They are about a half inch in size and are usually brown with a violin shaped marking.

Black Widows

These shiny black spiders have a bright red hourglass on their backside. Their bodies are large in comparison to their heads, and they are venomous. Their bites are very painful and can cause hospitalization. Immediate medical attention is recommended if bitten by a black widow. 

Black Widow Spiders

Black widow webs can be found under outdoor furniture and play sets. Their bites are not fatal to adults, however, they can be for small children and pets.

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Garden Spiders

Garden spiders are not toxic to humans, but they can overtake your garden and alter the local ecosystem if left untreated.

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Spider FAQs

  • Can pest control get rid of spiders?

    Griffin’s spider control technicians are certified and licensed to implement integrated pest control strategies designed to effectively kill spiders. We find and exterminate any spider webs and then leave residual pesticides that prevent future spider populations. 

  • How much is an exterminator for spiders?

    The average cost of spider treatments will change depending on factors like size of treated area and severity of spider problem. Griffin Pest Management prices competitively to ensure that we provide the best value possible for our customers. 

  • Why am I finding a lot of spiders in my house?

    Generally, lots of spiders means lots of resources to support spider populations. This could indicate that you have a much larger pest problem that needs to be addressed. Call Griffin Pest Management to get one of our technicians out for a free inspection.

Spider Pest Control Testimonials

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