Bird Control

Bird Control Services

Bird Removal

While birds don’t appear to pose much of a threat to the safety of your home, business, or family, they do present several problems. Birds like pigeons, doves, finches, and sparrows search for places to nest in areas that are protected against the elements. This sometimes results in these birds taking residence on your property which can lead to property damage, unsightly droppings, disease, and even infestations of bird mites or fleas. Some species will even act aggressively once a nest has been created in attempts to protect their hatchlings from perceived threats. If you have been dealing with a persistent bird problem and need support from professionals to ensure they stay away, call Griffin Pest Management to have a licensed bird control technician come and inspect your property. 

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Why Choose Griffin

Griffin Pest Control’s bird pest control strategies use an integrated pest management approach to ensure that we can:
  • Safely deter and repel birds using effective abatement and exclusion strategies
  • Eliminate health and safety issues that stem from transmissible bird diseases and parasites
  • Maintain a bird free environment with ongoing maintenance and monitoring

In addition, our business is locally owned and operated with over 2 decades of experience implementing effective bird prevention and control strategies. Our team has designed bird control solutions that have been implemented in hundreds of homes that have resulted in satisfied customers. Our pest free guarantee provides you the peace of mind you want when dealing with a pest control company. Our team is also licensed, trained, bonded, and insured so you can rest knowing that your bird problem is in good hands. 

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Bird Control Service Options

Griffin’s bird control strategies utilize an integrated pest management approach that utilize other methods of control outside of extermination. Effective and non-deadly bird pest control programs include several treatment strategies that offer long term solutions.


The first step in addressing bird populations is determining what species of birds is causing the problem and where they are nesting. This will help identify the best strategy for removal. This can sometimes be difficult if the birds are not active or around during the time of the inspection. Any information or pictures that can be provided about the birds regarding their appearance or behavior could give the bird control technician some clues as to the type of bird that needs to be removed. If possible, pictures of the birds actively nesting, perching, or flying will make identification much easier which will expedite the treatment process.


Exclusion is designed to prevent or limit access to areas that would be otherwise used to house a bird’s nest. This control strategy does not cause harm to the birds directly, it just blocks birds from entering your home and forces them to move elsewhere. Exclusion can be implemented using screens, bird netting, or wooden planks to block small opening and entry points.

Perch Modification Systems

In addition to exclusion, which prevents birds from accessing your home, perch modification systems also help mitigate bird activity on or around your property. Using different bird deterrents, like hot wires, exterior perimeter bird spikes, and bird coils help reduce surface areas that birds can land on.

Behavior Alteration Deterrents

These methods utilize harsh noises, lights, and smells to repel birds from a particular area. These are designed to disrupt nesting activity.

Food Source Elimination

Reducing available food supplies can help mitigate the bird populations around your home. That being said, bird populations are likely thriving off of food sources outside of your control, so this strategy only makes sense as a supplement to our other treatment options.


Once exclusion methods have been implemented, on going bird control will be part of the general pest control maintenance schedule if recurring services are enlisted. Our technicians will monitor for signs of new nests and droppings so we can remove any traces of birds before they move in. 

Types of Birds

Griffin Pest Management has experience managing the most common nuisance birds found in Southern California:

  • Pigeons
  • Crows
  • Starlings
  • Sparrows
  • Seagulls

Reasons to Enlist Bird Control Services

While birds are rarely a direct threat to humans, they can cause several problems that can lead to health issues and property damage.

  • Most birds are capable of hosting parasites like fleas and bird mites. Bird fleas and mites will shed and infest their nest before moving onto infesting your home.
  • Crows, seagulls, and pigeons are all scavengers that will create a mess out of trash and even go as far as destroying property in search of food. 

Bird droppings present several problems:

  • Pigeon droppings dry out and become a dust that can get picked up and dispersed by HVAC systems. Breathing the contaminated air can be especially dangerous for those dealing with respiratory problems and allergies.
  • They are acidic which can cause corrosion and stain different building materials.
  • They contain several transmittable diseases and viruses.
  • They are unsightly and cleanup can get expensive if left uncontrolled for too long.

Diseases Carried by Birds

Birds are vector of disease and can host a plethora of various bacteria and viruses. The danger in that is bird illnesses can sometimes be picked up by humans which can develop into serious illnesses. A few of the more dangerous illnesses that birds can transmit are:

  • Salmonella: This is generally found in pigeon and seagull droppings and can lead to paratyphoid fever and salmonellosis.
  • E. Coli: This is generally spread by seagulls but can also cause some serious illness like septicemia and gastroenteritis.
  • Psittacosis: This can cause a lung infection transmitted by breathing in bacteria from dried pigeon or seagull fecal matter.
  • Fungal Infection: Seagull droppings can contain fungal infections that lead to histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis.

Contact a Bird Control Specialist Today

Nuisance birds rarely go away on their own without the right prevention and control strategy. These birds can cause serious problems and introduce health issues that can be easily mitigated with the right help. Call Griffin Pest Management today to get a licensed bird control and removal expert out to help implement exclusion and deterrent strategies to keep your home free of unwanted birds. 

Quick Facts About Nuisance Birds


Many species of birds are known to actually help the local environment. Smaller birds like finches, doves and woodpeckers, help disperse seeds and keep local insect populations low. Larger birds of prey, like owls and hawks, can help control local rodent populations.


Most nuisance birds take up residence in the eaves or trees surrounding a structure. Larger birds prefer to build their nests in tree tops, while smaller breeds prefer lower, enclosed branches of trees or window sills. Some smaller birds also prefer shrubs.


Larger birds of prey have been known to carry small dogs or cats away. Smaller birds, like finches, pigeons and doves can also spread disease, fleas and bed bugs. A nest of birds can also create an unsightly mess with their fecal matter. Many small birds will also “swoop” on people or animals who are too close to their nest. If those birds have built their nest in the eaves of your home, they may prevent you from going outdoors.


Your wildlife specialist will help you identify areas that may attract birds and place bird deterrent devices.

Bird Control FAQs

  • How much does bird control cost?

    Bird removal costs can vary depending on how severe your problem is. For minor problems and nest removal, services can cost between $100 - $300. If prevention strategies and deterrents like spikes and coils are installed, those additions can run an extra $500 - $1000. 

  • Who do you call for bird problems?

    If bird populations are getting out of control and are becoming a nuisance, it may be time to call in professional help. Call Griffin Pest Management today to get a licensed bird control expert out to implement exclusion strategies designed to protect you against birds. 

  • Can pest control remove birds?

    Our licensed and experience bird control experts will create a custom strategy that will effectively remove your bird problem and prevent them from coming back. 

Bird Control Testimonials

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